Control Panels   Cache Switch In the control panel (version 7.0.1) press Option and click on the version number. Watch as its creator’s name is revealed. Turn Balloon Help on and point to the version number. The balloon will read “Wink, wink”. (These two will only work on a Quadra).   CloseView Use Balloon Help on the CloseView icon. Kind of funny   Color In the color control panel, click and hold down on “Sample Text” and you will see the name of the person who programmed it, "Dean Yu". Click again and you will see the other creator, "& Vincent Lo". If you click some more, on the 16th click you will see the name Don Louv. It’s hard, but by clicking even more rapidly you will find the words “doodle doodle dee” and “wubba wubba wubba”.   Date and Time Balloon-help on “Daylight Savings Time” to see a common phrase. Energy Saver From: Patrick Dekker (PDekker@rullf2.MedFac.LeidenUniv.NL) In the Energy Saver control panel, Hold down Option and click on the text "Monitor Energy Saver" at the top of the window. This will bring up a simple credits box. This will not work with newer versions of Monitor Energy saver. You will know if you have a newer version because it will not say "Monitor".     Extensions Manager (system 7.5) Click on the version number.   Labels In the Labels Control Panel delete all of the names of the Labels. Upon Restarting your computer you will find the letters "alanjef" in the Labels Menu-Bar. Also, show the launcher at system start-up by setting it in General Controls. Any other program that shows the Labels menu will do the same thing. However, going the the Finder will erase it. There is also an "m" in the File window. For more info. on that go to "Mood Swings" in the Miscellaneous chapter.   Launcher A secret about box is apparent in launcher when holding down Option and Command keys and click on the background behind the topic buttons (very top buttons on the grey surface). Show the launcher at system start-up by setting it in General controls. Restart and click the label menu before doing anything else. This will give you the same thing that happens when you delete all the names of the labels. It also says “alanjef”. Using ResEdit, in the STR# resource, at ID-4033 , there is a line that says "Mashie ". This was not in my version 2.5. The creator of the Launcher is 'Mash' so I would not be surprised if Mashie was its code name.   Macintosh Easy Open Using Microsoft Word or ???->TEXT and opening Macintosh Easy Open you will see humorous, abnormal, and hidden message between the encrypted text: “Joy! Leave Our Mark On The Tree Weve Been To This Tree Before Preflight Paul”   Map When holding down Shift, while opening the map control panel, the map will appear magnified, type mid and you will see the middle of nowhere. -Another trick is holding down Option when opening the Map. (200%) -Holding Shift And Option will magnify to the max. (400%) -Hold down Option and push find will scroll through all places on the map. -Also when clicking on the version the dialogue “v.7.0, by Mark Davis” will show in the dialogue box. (His initials are also printed in Antarctica) -If you push Option-Find you can scroll through all the places on the map from A-Z. If you pass Zurich then the names of the places will be in the native language they are spoken there. German Map Eggs From: Ansgar ( In the Map Control Panel of the German System 7.5, if you enter the city names Chicago or San Francisco, you will be shown some very strange places in the world. However, if you have a very detailed map (on paper, not the Control Panel), you will indeed find these places there. San Francisco is in the Baleares near Spain and Chicago is some hundred miles west of Africa. There really are such locations there, but they have scarcely more than a few hundred inhabitants.   Memory Turn virtual memory on in memory and hold down option while selecting the hard drive to get some interesting credits.   Monitors In monitors, if you click on the version in the upper right hand corner it will show some credits. If you hold down Option the smiley face will change. Different names will appear and they will begin to shuffle if you push the Option button repetedly past 12 times. In early versions of the Monitors control panel when you click on the version number only a smiley face pops up. As the versions progress you will see more and more credits and eventually some names will be in color. The colors mean that first and last names have made a match. There is also a smiley face inside the computer. If you have two monitors, moving the smiley face to the other computer will make it so that the start-up screen is in that monitor.   PC Setup A lot of thanks to Guido Bertoncini (egg for this egg. Note: This control panel is used for the built in Reply 'DOS on Mac' card, containing a DX2/66 processor which is used in Performa 630s and PowerPC 6100/66s DOS Compatibles. ------------ In the PC Setup control panel click on the version number while holding the Command key. It will then start a 'RP-DOS' session on a mini PC screen. This session is suppose to do some diagnostic tests, show information, and modifies various DOS things. If you want, type help to see what it can do as it is undocumented. However, there is also an egg in the control panel. In short, the egg is simply a list of programmers` in DOS (the reason we bought a Mac in the first place). Instructions: cd=change directory (will go to the directory). dir=catalog directory (will show the directory). Think of a directory on a PC like a folder on a Mac, but as you don't have a GUI to see the files, you must type these commands. 1. After entering the "RP-DOS" session, type dir to see the "Software, Hardware, Support and Quality" directories. 2. Then type, for instance, cd hardware to go to the hardware directory. 3. Then type dir, in the next field, next to the word "hardware" to see all of the names of those who developed the software for the Houdini Card. 4. Then type cd and one of the names; lets use the name al_scalise. 5. Type dir again next to "al_scalise" in the next field to see what that person did in that section. In this case it would say "simulations". 6. Type cd to go back to the previous directory. Balloon Help While running balloon help, click on the version number while holding down Option to see "This is the System Software Version... nothing more, nothing less." Screen Hold down Option and click on the upper half of the words "Screen Brightness" to see a credit for Gayle Wiesner. Don't ask me how I found this one.   QuickTime Music Prerelease Development Egg When I was told about this control panel I had no idea that it was a development release (2.1d5 to be exact). Well, now that I know, you have an egg for a program that has not been released yet! When it is finally released it will probably come with MIDI Manager or all new Macs. The point of the control panel is to connect synthesizers and MIDI devices to your Macintosh and play them through QuickTime. The egg works best with the QuickTime Musical Instruments extension, and the main part of the control panel, not the egg, will only work with MIDI Manager. I'm not sure if the egg will still exist when the final release comes out. The first part of the egg is to go up to the icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window in the control panel. Clicking on it will change the cursor to a musical note. Next you want to hold down Option and click on the icon. Wait a few seconds and you will now see a window with a synthesizer on which you can play a number of things from percussion to harpsicord. Hold down command and it will become a bit louder. It should be pretty fun. If you ever get the control panel tell me how you got it.   Sound In the sounds control panels if you hold down Option and scroll down to sound input or any menu you will hear a sound and see some credits. (system 7.5 only) Also in the sound control panel under Sound Effects (AV Macs) if you click and hold down on the little version and icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, a credit will scroll along the bottom of the screen. TCP/IP & Apple Share (Open Transport) From: (Brett Helbig) In the Open Transport TCP/IP Control Panel, if you choose "About TCP/IP..." from the Apple Menu, a dialog pops up displaying the version number and the copyright info. If you hold down the Option key while selecting "About TCP/IP...", the same dialog pops up with the same info, however, after about 3 seconds or so, the version number and the copyright info disappear. Nothing appears in its place. The dialog just remains empty! The samne thing will happen when going to "About AppleShare.." in the AppleShare control panel. Are the Apple engineers geting lazy? TV Setup TV Setup (works in 1.0.1) will display a box with the authors' names when the version number is clicked. From: Brendan Bellina (   Window Shade In Window Shade if you click on the mouse button in the picture you will see some credits by the author. This will not work with version 1.2 or earlier.